The JESS Tools Bell AugerTM is a skid steer attachment for belling pier holes, We designed it with versatility in mind, as it can be used with all types and power output of skid steers, as well as the PTO of a tractor. The bell auger reshapes a straight augered hole into a bell shape and cleans out the dirt, leaving an undisturbed ground structure, all in one quick and easy process. You regulate the power and pressure to the tool based on your individual needs.
24"HOLE 48 "BELL

24" Hole 48" Bell
Learn how to save time and money with JESS Tools new 24" Hole 48" Bell model. This video will show you how easy belling piers are with our line of Bell Augers.
There are four main advantages when using our Bell Auger. First, it increases the downforce strength of your piers, Second, virtually eliminate frost heaving, third, prevent heaving from expansive soils. and lastly, superior uplift protection from wind.

Time Saving Example
How much exact time the belling auger can save you will vary depending on several factors, but here is one example that we’ve tested ourselves. Construction of a 42 x 64 post frame building will require 28-32 piers. We measured the bell auger’s time to dig one hole at three minutes, 10 seconds for an 18” hole. The auger reshapes the hole to 30” for footing, removes the dirt, and leaves it ready for concrete. Traditional shovel and jobbers would take 30-45 minutes per hole. We estimate that the bell auger will pay for itself within the first three buildings you’ve constructed.

Frost Heaving Issues
Frost and ice are merciless on pier footings. They can grab a hold of a pier and begin to heave it up out of the ground, throwing your entire building out of square. The frost heave is well documented by engineers and builders. Non-belled piers even below the frost line can be pushed up by the power of expanding ice.

Robust Construction
Our belling auger is built to last. We have over-engineered it to survive the harshest conditions that you may encounter. One inch solid steel control arms, robust central shaft. Hardened bushings and bolts. It also has a width gauge that indicates how wide your bell is, so you can cut to the size you need.

Removes and Sheds Soil
Because we use our belling auger as contractors. We realized that it
had to remove all soil quickly. When the tool is retracted after auguring
it will pull the soil into the center tray. Then once out, all the soil in the
tray can be easily removed by a simple twist of the skid steer. It works
in wet and heavy soil conditions.